Welcome to Dhampirave! Come and enjoy your time here!
- Add a art page
Convert site buttons to webps- Make fanpages/shrines
- Make a blog/newsletter?
Adjust webmaster page
- 1-10-25 - Adjusted dark mode colors (again), added new links, removed dead links
- 1-10-25 - Adjusted dark mode colors
- 8-13-24 - Added a dark mode, you'll have to change your browser light/dark mode for it though. sorry.
- 5-31-24 - Moved to nekoweb
- 5-28-24 - Preparing for nekoweb move
- 2-29-24 - Overhauled the site aesthetics
- 1-10-24 - Adjusted the middle section, replaced site button images with Webps
- 1-2-24 - Added a hamburger menu to the mobile version of the Index
- 12-30-23 - Overhauled the homepage again
- lol i dont remember the site history